How it all started...
Ashley Valley Calvary Calvary Chapel, Formerly known as Ashley Valley Christian Fellowship, began in October of 1999 as a home fellowship bible study. Following the Calvary Chapel philosophy of ministry, and focusing on the simplicity that is in Christ and His word, the fellowship grew to over thirty people in two months.
Mark Gomez, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Wasatch Front, in Clearfield UT, assisted Pastor Phil with counsel, wisdom and insight that he had gained through years of pastoral leadership.
During this early period in the life of our fellowship, the LORD was moving in such a wonderful way and lives were being changed by Jesus and His word. After only two months of praying and following the Lord’s leading, Pastor Mark recommended that we step out in faith and find a place to have public services. In only a week, the Lord led us to a facility and on the first Sunday before Christmas of 1999, our first public worship service and study were held.
Within three months, the fellowship had grown to over Sixty members and the Lord provided a new location where we until August of 2023.
In August of 2023, the Lord blessed us and we moved into His new building at 1225 W. 500 N.
As of 2025, there are over 900 people in our area who call A. V. Calvary home.
Mark Gomez, Pastor of Calvary Chapel Wasatch Front, in Clearfield UT, assisted Pastor Phil with counsel, wisdom and insight that he had gained through years of pastoral leadership.
During this early period in the life of our fellowship, the LORD was moving in such a wonderful way and lives were being changed by Jesus and His word. After only two months of praying and following the Lord’s leading, Pastor Mark recommended that we step out in faith and find a place to have public services. In only a week, the Lord led us to a facility and on the first Sunday before Christmas of 1999, our first public worship service and study were held.
Within three months, the fellowship had grown to over Sixty members and the Lord provided a new location where we until August of 2023.
In August of 2023, the Lord blessed us and we moved into His new building at 1225 W. 500 N.
As of 2025, there are over 900 people in our area who call A. V. Calvary home.

Expanding the vision...
There is way too much to share in terms of what the lord has done with A.V. Calvary over our history, but He has blessed us beyond our ability to comprehend. Not with material blessing, although He has unfailingly met every need in His timing, but more importantly, He has blessed us with His presence and as we have studied His word consistently and in context we have seen so many lives changed. To this day, the Lord is using our fellowship to reach the lost and to educate and equip disciples through the Holy Spirit’s leading and the Living Word of God.
Our continuing Vision is to keep it simple and to remember
Our continuing Vision is to keep it simple and to remember
Where we are headed...
We know with certainty that it’s by His leading alone that we are able to be about the Father’s business. We declare our absolute dependence upon the Lord as well as our devotion, commitment and focus.
Our desire is to walk with Jesus step by step. Not behind nor in front of Him, but side by side as He leads us on this incredible journey and adventure of living for him as he guides and equips us through His unfailing grace.
Our desire is to walk with Jesus step by step. Not behind nor in front of Him, but side by side as He leads us on this incredible journey and adventure of living for him as he guides and equips us through His unfailing grace.

Be a part of our story...
Join us every Sunday as we gather to worship together at 10am.